Sunday, October 21, 2007


October 21, 2007
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
New Testament Postcards: I John 1:6-10, Christ is constantly cleansing us from all sin (Present tense verbs here). Therefore a condition of fellowship with God not only requires a life consistent with His nature, but also requires the constant exposing of sins, both known and unknown, by the very God who is Light. It also includes the confession of sin which results in the constant cleansing of us by Christ. So the closer your walk with God the more aware you will be of your sins.
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 9 - Living of the Gospel - Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed”
Two ladies were sitting in a living room, waiting for their hostess, who was slightly delayed. The daughter of the family was with them, on the theory that she would keep the visitors occupied during the wait. The child was about six years old, snub nosed, freckled, buck toothed and bespectacled. She maintained a deep silence and the two ladies peered doubtfully at her. Finally, one of them muttered to the other, "Not very p-r-e-t-t-y, I fear," carefully spelling the key word. Whereupon the child piped up, "But awfully s-m-a-r-t."
I have e-mailed the landlord and asked him for the lease figures for the coming year. As soon as I have the information we will schedule a meeting to discuss it. Since we first discussed this change the finances have been going well, so things are looking good at this time.
Prayers and Praises for 2007
The prayer request list will be kept up for the entire year. Once a request goes on it will be kept on until the requestor asks to remove it or the request is answered with praise. Be in prayer for: our missionaries, Marshall Craig, Larry Morgan, and Ed Potter; our church; Mike Rogers, medical (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma); Dan Campeau, surgery on hold for now; Ruth’s Aunt Laverne, recovery; Jackie’s daughter Elaine, health; Bertha, continued recuperation; Dennis, Christie’s husband, job; Owen Frisby, medical; Terry Tucker, medical; Eleanor, Campeau’s neighbor; a friend of Dennis and Kathi; friends of Stephanie Heald, auto accident; Joy Sunderland, continuing medical treatment; Greg and Ruth’s friends in Dallas, the Woolard’s, Johnnie’s sister in AL and for published photos; friend of Lynn’s; Darrel’s mom’s passing this week; Lynn’s brother Wayne, illness; Jim Dickey, accident/medical; Praise for Nate getting job; Paul Coleman, illness; praise for Jennifer and the girls safe arrival in Alaska; praise for marriage of Tim and Christa
All Hail King Jesus (see bulletin)
Scripture Reading
In that day shall the LORD of hosts be a crown of glory and a beautiful diadem, for the remnant of His people. And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having a golden crown on His head. Isaiah 28:5; Revelation 14:4
Crown Him with Many Crowns p. 234
All Hail the Power p. 97
Above All (see bulletin)
Message (link to sermon)
"Upon this Rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


October 14, 2007
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
New Testament Postcards: I John, Fellowship with God, Confession of Sin – I John 1:9 Presented by: Johnnie Jackson
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 8 - Love, Liberty or Disco?
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed”
A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?" "I give it to them," replied the lawyer, "and then I send them a bill." The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try. The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills. When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.
Johnnie Jackson has offered to teach the adult class for Greg today. We greatly appreciate Johnnie’s gracious kindness in helping. Greg will handle the worship service.
I have e-mailed the landlord and asked him for the lease figures for the coming year. As soon as I have the information we will schedule a meeting to discuss it. Since we first discussed this change the finances have been going well, so things are looking good at this time.
Prayers and Praises for 2007
The prayer request list will be kept up for the entire year. Once a request goes on it will be kept on until the requestor asks to remove it or the request is answered with praise. Be in prayer for: our missionaries, Marshall Craig, Larry Morgan, and Ed Potter; our church for the upcoming lease which should be coming soon; Mike Rogers, medical (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma); Dan Campeau, surgery on hold for now; Ruth’s Aunt Laverne, recovery; Jackie’s daughter Elaine, health; Bertha, continued recuperation; Dennis, Christie’s husband, job; Owen Frisby, medical; Terry Tucker, medical; Eleanor, Campeau’s neighbor; a friend of Dennis and Kathi; friends of Stephanie Heald, auto accident; Joy Sunderland, continuing medical treatment; Greg and Ruth’s friends in Dallas, the Woolard’s, Carolyn Griffith, unspoken; Johnnie’s sister in AL and for published photos; friend of Lynn’s; Tim and Christa, wedding; Darrel’s mom, condition deteriorating; Lynn’s brother Wayne, illness; Jim Dickey, accident/medical; Praise for Nate getting job; Paul Coleman, illness
At the Cross p. 188
Scripture Reading
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth. Psalm 95:6, 9
Here I Am to Worship (see bulletin)
This Is My Father’s World p. 58
He Is Lord p. 105
Message (link to sermon)

Sunday, October 7, 2007


October 7, 2007
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
New Testament Postcards: I John, Fellowship with God - One of the things we possess in common with God is Light; the Light of Jesus Christ His Son within us. Therefore live in the Light as He is in the Light (1:7).
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 7:12-40, Questions About Marriage - Shine Where You Are Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God. (7:24)
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed”
Honeymoon Alone: On a visit to my wife's native England for our honeymoon, we arrived at London's Gatwick Airport. Tania headed for the British passport control line while I, an American, waited in the foreigners' line. When my turn came, the customs officer asked me the purpose of my visit. "Pleasure," I replied. "I'm on my honeymoon." The officer looked first to one side of me, then the other. "That's very interesting, sir," he said as he stamped my passport. "Most men bring their wives with them."
  • Johnnie Jackson has offered to teach the adult class for Greg next Sunday so he can have a break after Tim and Christa’s wedding. We greatly appreciate Johnnie’s gracious kindness in helping. Greg will handle the worship service.
  • This coming Friday night the rehearsal dinner for Tim and Christa’s wedding will be at the church. We need to move the pews after the service today; if you are able to help with moving the pews back after the dinner see Greg.
  • I have e-mailed the landlord and asked him for the lease figures for the coming year. As soon as I have the information we will schedule a meeting to discuss it. Since we first discussed this change the finances have been going well, so things are looking good at this time.
Prayers and Praises for 2007
The prayer request list will be kept up for the entire year. Once a request goes on it will be kept on until the requestor asks to remove it or the request is answered with praise. Be in prayer for: our missionaries, Marshall Craig, Larry Morgan, and Ed Potter; our church for the upcoming lease which should be coming soon; Mike Rogers, medical (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma); Dan Campeau, surgery on hold for now; Ruth’s Aunt Laverne, recovery; Jackie’s daughter Elaine, health; Bertha, continued recuperation; Nate, friend of Matt’s, job; Dennis, Christie’s husband, job; Owen Frisby, medical; Terry Tucker, medical; Eleanor, Campeau’s neighbor; a friend of Dennis and Kathi; friends of Stephanie Heald, auto accident; Joy Sunderland, continuing medical treatment; Greg and Ruth’s friends in Dallas, the Woolard’s, Carolyn Griffith, unspoken; Johnnie’s sister in AL and for published photos; friend of Lynn’s; Darrel’s mother, hospice; Tim and Christa, wedding
At Calvary p. 338
Scripture Reading
For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my Redeemer.
Job 19:25; Psalm 19:14
There Is a Redeemer p. 206
Jesus Name Above p. 112
He Lives p. 220
Message (Link to sermon)
“If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me”