Sunday, May 18, 2008


May 18, 2008
Church Items
Mike and Debbie Rogers have left Wyoming and retuned to Pueblo. Be in prayer for them as they prepare for the next step in their lives. Mike is not suffering any ill-effects from his lymphoma at this time.
Owen’s friend Mary contacted us this week to let us know that Owen came through surgery very well this week. The surgery was to remove a cancerous kidney. He may have chemo but per Mary the prognosis is good. Let’s get a card for him and let him know we are thinking of him and that he is not forgotten.
Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Bertha, health; hospital at this time
  • Bertie, unspoken
  • Martha’s friend Ann Dickey, daughters, surgery and car accident, Ann’s husband illness
  • Mitchell, health
  • Mike and Debbie Rogers, job and health
  • Lynn, unspoken
  • Missionary Larry & Linda Morgan, loss of son & granddaughter
  • Esther and Hubert, loss of son
  • Lisa, upcoming surgery
  • Johnie and Jackie, traveling west coast and AK
  • Ron, traveling for business
  • Joy grandson illness, 7 yrs old
  • Owen, recovery
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed
Senior Moments: A group of senior citizens were sitting around talking about their ailments: "My arms are so weak I can hardly hold this cup of coffee," said one.
"Yes, I know. My cataracts are so bad I can't even see my coffee," replied another.
"I can't turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck," said a third, to which several nodded weakly in agreement.
"My blood pressure pills make me dizzy," another went on.
"I guess that's the price we pay for getting old," winced an old man as he shook his head.
Then there was a short moment of silence...
"Well, it's not that bad," said one woman cheerfully. "At least we can still drive!"

Today’s Sunday School Lesson
III John, Living the Truth, Demetrius – Verses 11-14
In contrast to Diotrephes (evil…has not seen God) is Demetrius (good…is of God). He was the one to imitate, not Diotrephes. He was an example of good. Demetrius had a good reputation, was a testimony of the truth, and John verified that he was genuine.
The book of Jude will follow in our Sunday School study.

Today’s Sermon
True Recovery - Selected Scriptures
The biblical doctrines of salvation, atonement, justification and sanctification starts from “this basic fact: each one of us in some way opposes our true self, the person each of us was created to be in Christ.” (C. Wayne Mayhall)
  • We become slaves to whatever controls us. Being “a slave” is the same as being codependent and under the domination of an addiction.
  • We are to place ourselves under the control of the Holy Spirit in every area of life.
  • We must make a thorough examination of the circumstances of our addictive and unhealthy behavior and develop a biblical plan to overcome the behavior (or at the least cope with it in a healthy and wholesome manner).
  • We must realize that we may be dealing with some sinful psychological tendencies all our lives.
  • We must be humble enough to realize that we need to change. We are not greater than our problems, and we must deal with them ourselves.
  • We must have hope and courage that we can overcome our problems.
  • We must apply God’s grace to our problems and continue to take immediate steps to eliminate, resist, or flee temptations that arise.
  • Restoration is our hope through the Lord. There is no power in our salvation except in and through the Lord.
  • The key is to be a doer of the Word, not just a talker.
Addiction Recovery and the Burden of Self, Volume 3, No 02, 2008, Christian Research Journal, pg. 30, C. Wayne Mayhall

Come Thou Fount p. 2
Scripture Reading
The LORD is high above all nations, and His glory above the heavens. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory? And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Psalm 113:14; Luke 24:26; John 1:14
To God be the Glory p. 66
Jesus Is Lord of All p. 359
Offering and Offertory
Message (link to sermon)
The Truth Shall Set You Free

Monday, May 12, 2008


May 11, 2008
Happy Mother’s Day
Church Items
Bertha has been in the hospital with pain from a virus. She is getting along well but as of today is still recuperating.
Mike and Debbie Rogers have left Wyoming and retuned to Pueblo. Be in prayer for them as they prepare for the next step in their lives. Mike is not suffering any ill-effects from his lymphoma at this time.
Carlton has been helping his son in TX with a building project. Emma is with him now; they report that things are going well and they look forward to returning soon.
Darrel and Carolyn are in Alamosa for Connie’s graduation from Adams State.
Johnie and Jackie are on their long road trip. Ron has been in Seattle on business but should return today.
Lisa is in Fort Collins today. She will have a vacation in June and then will have her shoulder surgery scheduled.
Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Bertha, health; hospital at this time
  • Bertie, unspoken
  • Martha’s friend Ann Dickey, daughters, surgery and car accident, Ann’s husband illness
  • Mitchell, health
  • Mike and Debbie Rogers, job
  • Lynn, unspoken
  • Missionary Larry & Linda Morgan, loss of son & granddaughter
  • Esther and Hubert, loss of son
  • Lisa, upcoming surgery
  • Johnie and Jackie, traveling west coast and AK
  • Ron, traveling for business
  • Joy grandson illness, 7 yrs old
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed
Bedpan Conversion: Sister Mary Ann, who worked for a home health agency, was out making her rounds visiting homebound patients when she ran out of gas. As luck would have it, a Texaco station was just a block away. She walked to the station to borrow a gas can and buy some gas. The attendant told her that the only gas can he owned had been loaned out, but she could wait until it was returned. Since Sister Mary Ann was on the way to see a patient, she decided not to wait and walked back to her car. She looked for something in her car that she could fill with gas and spotted the bedpan she was taking to the patient. Always resourceful, Sister Mary Ann carried the bedpan to the station, filled it with gasoline, and carried the full bedpan back to her car. As she was pouring the gas into her tank, two Baptists watched from across the street. One of them turned to the other and said, 'If it starts, I'm turning Catholic.
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
III John Living the Truth
Diotrephes and Demetrius – 9-14
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 16:13-24
Said the Spider to the Fly
We will make our own choices that lead to spiritual maturity or spiritual incapacity. It is no one’s responsibility but our own. We will rise and fall on our own faith and choices in life. There is no one else to blame. Man up and live like a Christian. You know what to do. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. Matt. 23:12
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Lisa is gone today
Take the Name of Jesus p. 116
Scripture Reading
By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. For without Him we can do nothing.
Proverbs 24:3-4; John 15:5
Without Him p. 332
He Leadeth Me p. 461
Thou Art Worthy p. 73
Offering and Offertory
Message (link to sermon)
An excellent woman, who can find? For her worth is far above rubies


May 4, 2008
Church Items
We thank those who have volunteered for church cleaning. There are still months available to the end of the year.
Congratulations to Richard Motzkus on his recent retirement from the State Patrol. We also congratulate Stephen for graduating from CSU-Pueblo with his Bachelor of Music degree.
Johnie and Jackie are on a long RV trip to the west coast and AK, so we will miss them for several weeks.
Carlton has been helping his son in TX with a building project. He should be home soon.
Maria and Travis will be graduating from high school this month.
We have a new letter from missionary Larry Morgan which details the death of his son Shane and granddaughter Kalee in an automobile accident February 13. Please be in prayer for this long-time missionary.
Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Dan Campeau, health
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Bertha, health
  • Bertie, unspoken
  • Martha’s friend Ann Dickey, daughters, surgery and car accident, Ann’s husband illness
  • Mitchell, health
  • Carolyn, friends
  • Lynn, unspoken
  • Missionary Larry & Linda Morgan, loss of son & granddaughter
  • Esther and Hubert, loss of son
  • Lisa, upcoming surgery
  • Johnie and Jackie, traveling west coast and AK
  • Ron, traveling for business
  • Joe grandson illness, 7 yrs old
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed
Today’s Deep Thoughts
  • Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
  • Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good.
  • Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
  • There is always death and taxes; however death doesn’t get worse every year.
  • You only need two tools in life: WD 40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use the WD 40, If is shouldn't and it does, use the duct tape.
  • If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you'll be afraid to cough.
  • If you are choking on an ice cube, pour a cup of boiling water down your throat...blockage gone!
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
III John Living the Truth
The purpose of the letter was to encourage Gaius and the churches. John was probably off the island of Patmos and ministering to the churches in his apostolic office. Gaius needed some encouragement to provide more hospitality to the traveling preachers, while the lady in II John overdid the hospitality and did damage to the truth. In III John love was needed to bring truth back in balance.
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 16:5-24
Be Courageous and Stand Strong
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” The “muscle” that Paul was encouraging them to start flexing was to be tempered with Christian love. Love in defense of the truth means that we always seek the good of others while we are being courageous, standing firm and acting like grown-ups.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Family of God p. 282
The Wonder of it All p. 65
Scripture Reading
For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. I Corinthians 1:17-18
Near the Cross p. 385
At the Cross p. 188
Offering and Offertory
Message (link to sermon)
Free to all, a healing stream flows from Calvary’s mountain