I forgot my camera so no current photos of the church folks for this past Sunday; more embarrassing photos will be forthcoming
Church News:
We will have a representative from the Gideons here May 20th
Mother’s Day is next Sunday May 13th
Father’s Day is June 17th
Congrats to Darrel and Carolyn on the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary
The Songspinners will perform at the church Sunday afternoon June 10th 4pm
Sunday’s Teachings
Sunday School: Dueling Denominations (started study April 24 last year)
Baptists – General Summary, Origins, Distinctives
Origin from English Separatists – Puritans and Reformers
General Baptists and Particular Baptists; Anabaptists vs. Baptists
Influence of Arminian theology vs. Reformed theology
Beginnings under John Smyth in England and Holland
View of this past weekend's Supermoon in Hawaii |
Sunday’s Sermon
Trampolining through John - Section 4, chapters 9-12
I Am the Good Shepherd: John 10:11-42
Continuation of the Shepherd Analogy used by Christ to indict the leaders of Israel
Chapter began at the Feast of Tabernacles in October and finished with the Feast of Dedication in November-December
Assurance to followers that they will never be rejected by the Father
Eternal security:
• Is. 14:24 As I have purposed, so shall it stand
• Rom. 10:13 Whoever calls on name of the Lord shall be saved
• Rom. 8:29 Whom He called He justified
• Rom. 11:29 Gifts and calling of God are irrefutable
• Eph. 2:8-9 A gift of God
Eternal Security drives our spirituality:
• Makes us sensitive, responsive and obedient to His voice
• Makes us confident of our future