Tomorrow we will have our Summer Begins Potluck; the Songspinners will perform at 5pm and potluck will follow
The Campeau's and Chandler's have provided the pork, bread and sauce
The rest of you folks bring picnic/BBQ sides and desserts
The church has coffee and lemonade
We will break down the auditorium after church tomorrow and set up for the fellowship
The Spinners always look forward to the shows at our church because we are so receptive
And I know you come to see how Greg will embarrass himself this year; I assure you it's an astounding embarrassment and you will enjoy it
We have not heard anything further on the roof; assume too much rain continuing but supposed to be drier this weekend
Bob Mahan is still in the hospital; Bertie reports he is slowly recuperating and will move to rehab when ready but no date set yet
Ruth continues to recuperate from her shoulder surgery this past Wednesday; she hopes to be at church in the evening but we'll see
Bless ya'll's hearts and let's have a good time tomorrow!
The Pester