Palm Sunday March 16, 2008
Church Items
We appreciate Joy getting the fire extinguishers charged and up to date.Greg and Ruth will be gone Sunday April 13th for a trip to Alaska, Lord willing.Updated church histories and membership ship lists are available.We will rotate the staple food items for any needy families that we help as you bring new items to replenish as the expiration dates of items occur.March Birthdays and Anniversaries: Lisa Heald, 10th; Esther Hargrove, 12th; Meghan Griffith, 15th; Hubert and Esther Hargrove, 14th; Danny Griffith, 19th; Lynn Eells, 22nd
Prayer Requests for 2008
- Ben Woolard and Woolard family, illness
- Dan Campeau, health
- Joy, health and recuperation
- Bertha, health
- Bertie, recovery from illness, unspoken
- Christie and Caitlin
- Ed – praise for job
- Heidi, job
- Martha’s friend Ann Dickey, daughters, surgery and car accident, Ann’s husband illness
- Mitchell, health
- Carolyn, friends
- Lynn, unspoken
- Ron, Dennis and Johnie, traveling
- Ben Campeau, broken foot
The Sarah Corner – “And Sarah laughed”
Have You Seen This? I had trouble with the idea of turning 30 and was oversensitive to any signs of advancing age. When I found a prominent gray hair in my bangs, I pointed to my forehead and asked my husband, "Oh no, have you seen this?" "What?" he asked.
"The wrinkles?"
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
New Testament Postcards - I John 5:6-8
We believe in Jesus as the Son of God. Who is He? He is truth, and faith in Him is what brings the victory, not faith by itself. “Water” and “blood” were historical realities related to Jesus in His baptism and death.
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 15:29-34 Live for Today, for Tomorrow We Rise!Christ’s resurrection connects to our resurrection. Our destiny is wrapped up in the destiny of Christ. Since His life had purpose, so also does ours. Since part of His life’s purpose was to suffer, so also is ours. Since His purpose was to rise again; so also will we rise again. If there is no resurrection from the dead, why fight? Why not “live for today for tomorrow we die?” We live for today, for tomorrow we rise.
Here I Am to Worship (see bulletin)
He Is Lord p. 105
Scripture Reading -Responsive Reading #638: The Triumphal Entry
I Stand in Awe (see bulletin)
When I Survey – p. 185 and new chorus
He Lives p. 220
Offering and Offertory
Message (link to sermon)
The Truth Shall Set You Free