Sunday, December 27, 2009



Jon Campeau, 5th; Ron Campeau, 8th Ruth Chandler, 17th; Tate Tucker, 17th; Darrel and Carolyn Griffith, 23rd; Rocky Quail, 26th; Jason Campeau, 27th; Travis Heald, 29th

Church News
The Cookbooks are in! Contact your local church member or email us to get one today! Price is $12.50 each or $10.00 each on orders of 10 or more.

Prayer Requests for 2009

  • Shawna’s mother, illness getting worse
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), non-combat medical procedure
  • Ruth’s dad, Parkinson’s
  • Darrel and Carolyn’s grandson Josh and family
  • Lynn’s daughter Christie father in law, illness
  • Lynn, tests
  • David Jenkins’ brother Rich, cancer treatment
  • David Jenkins, surgery recuperation
  • Martha, tests
  • Jackie, recuperation
  • Jim Weisie (Jackie’s brother), back surgery
  • Mike Rogers, continued chemo, in the hospital
  • Missionary Marshall Craig, hospitalized
  • Bertie’s sister-in-law, cancer treatment
  • Jenny Peterson, friend of Carolyn, healing
  • Traveling safety this holiday season
  • Unspoken for Lynn’s grandson
  • Martha’s cousin, passing
  • Jeff’s family, Flying W employee, loss of parents
December 6, 2009 - Greg is singing at Sunrise this morning.

December 13, 2009 - Today in Zechariah Chapter 12-13
The Spirit of Grace and Supplication
God will defend His people, pour His spirit out to them, and bring them His Messiah. His Messiah will come the first time and be pierced and mourned for. When the Lord returns the 2nd time they will be the ones mourning for Him and what they did to Him the first time. Regardless, the Lord will awaken Israel spiritually and defend her vigorously at the end of the Tribulation period.

December 20, 2009 - Today in Zechariah
Chapter 14: The Return of the King
  • The armies of the Antichrist will reach Jerusalem and begin their siege
  • At that time the Lord will return for Israel at the Campaign of Armageddon
  • The Lord will crush the arrives of the world and fully restore Israel, bringing true peace to the world
  • Finally, “Peace on earth, goodwill to men”
December 27, 2009 - Final - Zechariah 14:6-21
The Whole World Worships Christ
The One True Lord brings the one true religion to this world. The minority becomes the majority, the oppressed become the rulers; and the tables are turned for a thousand years!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 2009 – Freedom Baptist Church

November 2009 – Freedom Baptist Church


Stephen Motzkus 4th; Melody Neufeld 11th; Dennis Craig 17th

Church News
Our projects are marching on!
  • The painting of the auditorium is done and looks great.
  • The front room is now the library.
  • The lights have been redone and make a noticeable difference.
  • The cookbooks have been ordered. We will share the delivery date as soon as we have it.
We will soon be decorating for Christmas.
Greg will be gone on Sunday December 6 for the Sunrise Christmas Program.

Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Shawna’s mother, illness getting worse
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), non-combat medical procedure
  • Ruth’s dad, Parkinson’s
  • Bob and Bertie son Rick, job
  • Terry, recovery from surgery
  • Darrel and Carolyn’s grandson Josh and family
  • Lynn’s daughter Christie father in law, illness
  • Lynn, tests
  • David Jenkins’ brother Rich, cancer treatment
  • David Jenkins, surgery recuperation
  • Leon, recuperation from injury
  • Martha, tests
  • Johnie, recuperation
  • Mike Rogers, continued chemo and recuperation
  • Friend of Ruth’s sister in HI, sympathy
  • Bertie’s sister-in-law, cancer treatment

November 1, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Zechariah: Zechariah’s Eight Night Visions – 1:7-6:8
The First Four Visions 1:7-3
  • Vision #1: Rider among the Myrtles 1:7-17
  • Vision #2: Vision of the Four Horns and the Four Craftsman 1:18-21
  • Vision #3: Surveyor with the a measuring line Chapter 2
  • Vision #4: Cleansing and crowning of Joshua the High Priest Chapter 3
(link to sermon)

November 8, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Zechariah: Zechariah’s Eight Night Visions – 1:7-6:8
The Last Four Visions 4-6:8
  • Vision #5: Golden Lampstand & Two Olive Trees 5:1-4
  • Vision #6: The Flying Scroll 5:1-4
  • Vision #7: The Women in the Basket 5:5-11
  • Vision #8: The Four Chariots 6:1-18
(link to sermon)

November 15, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Zechariah: Zechariah 7-8
  • As a result of the word of the Lord through Zechariah in the 8 visions, the temple work was renewed and about half done. The ruling of Darius confirming the decree of Cyrus from Ezra 6 had allowed the work to progress.
  • The worship system was again being discussed. A delegation came from Bethel to discuss the renewing of a national day of fasting that had been a tradition established after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.
  • The question was answered by four explanatory messages in chapters 7-8. These responses were a call to return to righteous living for the nation.
(link to sermon)

November 22, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Zechariah:
  • Chapter Nine - The Coming Judgment of the Nations Surrounding Jerusalem and the Coming Prince of Peace
  • From Chapter Nine to the end of the book Zechariah is given two great revelations called “oracles,” or “burdens.”
(link to sermon)

November 29, 2009’s Sermon
Today in Zechariah: Chapters 10-11 Of Shepherds and Sheep
In contrast to the close of chapter 9, that “grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine for the young women,” chapter 10 states that the people will pursue false shepherds. The lack of spiritual leadership from the rulers and priests was evident. This will be the same condition in the future when Israel follows after the false shepherd of the Antichrist. The True Shepherd of Israel will come to lead His people to restoration and deliverance.
(link to sermon)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH October 2009 October Celebrations
Roy Heald, 1st; Bob & Bertie Mahan, 16th; Tim Chandler, 18th; Ralph Cox, 19th

Church News
  • We have received a donation in the memory of Owen Frisby that will be used for several projects. We have a plan to paint and improve the auditorium decorations as well as other items. We are currently choosing the paint color; we have the paint cards here to review the colors. We will also move the banners around and repair the holes and other trim items in the auditorium. We are getting blinds for the two office windows. We will keep you posted and pitch in if you have any further ideas.
  • Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday November 1st this year

Prayer Requests for October 2009
  • Shawna’s mother, illness getting worse
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), Iraq
  • Ruth’s dad, Parkinson’s
  • Bob and Bertie's son Rick, job
  • Terry, recovery from surgery
  • Darrel and Carolyn’s grandson Josh and family
  • Lynn’s daughter Christie father in law, illness
  • Lynn, tests
  • David Jenkins’ brother Rich, cancer treatment
  • Leon, recuperation from injury
  • Martha, tests
  • Dennis, recuperation
  • Praise for Kellie Mayes passing RN test
  • Johnie, recuperation
  • Ruth, traveling from Houston
  • Lisa and family, traveling from Dallas
October 4, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Esther - 4:14-17; Chapter 5
(Link to Sermon)
October 11, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Esther - Chapter 6
(Link to Sermon)

October 18, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Esther - Chapter 8 - 9:19
(Link to Sermon)

October 25, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Zechariah- Introduction Chapter 1:1-6
(Link to Sermon)


September 2009

September Celebrations
Johnie Jackson, 5th; Bob Mahan, 6th; Carlton Smith, 6th; Jana Motzkus, 6th; Jackie Jackson, 11th; David Jenkins, 11th; Azden Neufeld, 21st; Leon Osban, 25th; Shaun Peterson, 28th

Church News

  • We have received a donation in the memory of Owen Frisby that will be used for several projects. We have a plan to paint and improve the auditorium decorations as well as other items.

September 13, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Esther
The events of Ezra coincided with the events of the Book of Esther. The post-captivity history of Israel reveals the hand of a providential and active God working on behalf of His people, as He is doing for us today. The other books of the Old Testament related to this time period was Ezra, Esther, Nehemiah, and Zechariah.
(Link to Sermon)

September 20, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Esther
Esther 2 – Esther becomes queen
As Joseph and Daniel before and Nehemiah after, Esther is placed in a position of great importance as a protector of God’s chosen people. God orchestrated these events in order to protect His promises to Israel. These events are not coincidental; Esther’s grace and God’s providence elevated her.
(Link to Sermon)

September 27, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Esther The Rise of Haman and Genocide
  • The mention of Haman’s family history related to some 600 years before this event may or may not be the motivation behind his hatred
  • He rose to power along with Mordecai and immediately developed a rivalry and hatred
  • Another mysterious development in this account is that Mordecai develops a backbone, a backbone he did not exercise as Esther rose to the position of queen (Esther 2:10, 20).
(Link to Sermon)


August 2009
August – a big celebration month
Carol Campeau, 1st; Terry and Doris Tucker, 2nd; Terry Tucker, 3rd; Bertie Mahan, 3rd; Stephanie Heald, 5th; Bethanne Tucker, 13th; Jana Motzkus, 17th; A J Olsen, 24th; Stacey Heald, 26th; Martha Osban, 28th; Greg Chandler, 29th

Cookbook Project and Church News
  • We are currently receiving recipes for the new church cookbook as a fundraiser for the pews. With the completion of the pews we can proceed with getting the cookbook info together. The remaining balance for the pews of $1032.50 (total cost 4282.50) will be handled by the proceeds from the cookbook.
  • We will have a church outing tonight at the Flying W Ranch for those that want to come. The tickets will be available at our tables tonight. We will be at tables 42-44. We have reservations for 33-36 so we are about full. The church will purchase the tickets and you can pay the church whenever you can. The average price is $20 after coupon; seniors pay a little less. See the price list on the hall table for more information.

August 2, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Ezra
The rebuilding of the temple (3:1-6:15)
Ezra 4-5, The Opposition Begins
  • Opposition will inevitably occur and will require steady and consistent resistance
  • There is strength and resilience in the prophets (the Word) of God
  • There is no anonymity in the work of God; the enemy will write down your name
(Link to Sermon)

August 9, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Ezra
The rebuilding of the temple (3:1-6:15)
  • Ezra 6 Restoration and Renewal: The House that God Built
(Link to Sermon)

August 16, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Ezra
Chapters 7-8
Return to the Land and the Law
  • Ezra was a man strongly devoted to the Law of God-returning the people not only to the land but also to the Law
  • The was the second return to Israel from captivity in 458BC. Ezra now writes in the first person singular (“I”) and plural (“we”). Even though in captivity, Ezra was determined to keep the people true to God and bring them back to the land.
(Link to Sermon)

August 23, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Ezra
Chapter 8-9:1-4
The Return of the Priest
  • Ezra and the people arrive in Jerusalem: the road was hard, but they made it back
  • There was a gap of 57 years between chapter 6 and the dedication of the temple in 7
  • Ezra leads the people as a devoted and skillful priest and scribe in the Law of God
  • He is the man to lead them back to their roots of worship and sacrifice of self; it is “The Return of the Priest”
(Link to Sermon)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


July Celebrations: Darrel Griffith, 13th; Ron and Carol, 19th; Leslie Peterson, 30th
Cookbook Project: We are currently receiving recipes for the new church cookbook as a fundraiser for the pews. With the completion of the pews we can proceed with getting the cookbook info together. The remaining balance for the pews of $1032.50 (total cost 4282.50) will be handled by the proceeds from the cookbook.
  1. We thank you for your contribution to the Gideons last Sunday. Your response was greatly appreciated.
  2. We are ready to send another box to Vicki in Iraq.
Prayer Requests for July 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo, improving
  • Shawna’s mother, illness
  • Friend of Joy, Susan Maecker, illness
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), Iraq
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job and family
  • Darrel and Carolyn grandson Josh, military
  • Ruth’s dad, diagnosed with Parkinson’s
  • Lynn, illness
  • Eddie and Sarah Vesser, new pastorate, expecting
  • Joy, recuperating
  • Bob and Bertie son Rick, job; and unspoken
  • Martha’s cousin John, illness
  • Terry, recovery from surgery
  • Ruth’s Uncle Dennis (Butch), illness
  • Those traveling this holiday
  • Darrel and Carolyn’s former son-in-law and family
July 5, 2009's Sermon
Independence Day Sunday

The Declaration of Independence
Opening Two Paragraphs
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

When the Lord calls me home, whenever that may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future. ~ Ronald Reagan

July 12, 2009’s Sermon
Past Finding Out – the Unfathomable God
Summary and Review of the Study of God:
  • What is Faith/Don’t check your brains at the door
  • Arguments for the existence of God
  • He can be known personally
  • God’s Love and Forgiveness
  • God as Judge
  • God has spoken in His Word
  • God our Liberator
  • Past Finding Out – the Ways of the Unfathomable God
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counselor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Romans 11:33-36
(Link to sermon)

July 19, 2009's Sermon
Introduction to the Book of Ezra
Ezra is a continuation of II Chronicles in the history of Israel
Itemizes the first two returns to the Holy Land after the Babylonian Captivity
Includes the building of a new temple and the renewal of the worship of God
The Revival of True Faith in the land is the theme in Ezra
Chapters One through Six – the First Return and rebuilding of the temple under Zerubbabel

(Link to sermon)

July 26, 2009’s Sermon
The Book of Ezra
The rebuilding of the temple (3:1-6:15) Ezra 3
The Altar and the Foundation Rebuilt: The Lesson of the Foundation

(Link to sermon)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


June Celebrations: Roy and Lisa Heald, 7th; Eddie and Linda Olsen, 22nd; Kathie Craig, 25th; Dennis and Kathi 26th; Hubert Hargrove, 27th; Brandon Mayes, 28thJennifer Tucker, 29th

Pew Project: We can continue to receive freewill offerings for the pews if you have not had a chance to give. We can receive your offering until the time that we start selling the cookbook. We need 1182.50 for the balance. (Total cost for the pews was 4282.50)

Cookbook Project: We are currently receiving recipes for the new church cookbook as a fundraiser for the pews. With the completion of the pews we can proceed with getting the cookbook info together.
  1. The Gospel Jazz Concert at Sunrise Church will host another jazz concert this Friday, June12, at 7:30pm. The tickets are $15 each group rate. See Greg or Nancy today.
  2. We are ready to send another box to Vicki in Iraq. We need coffee, powdered creamer and beef jerky. The coffee and creamer must fit in a 5” deep box, so small cans or bags are needed.
  3. Father’s Day is June 21st; Greg and Ruth will be gone to Alaska from June 15 to June 26 and therefore gone for the 21st
  4. We will have a representative from the Gideons Sunday June 28
Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo, improving
  • Shawna’s mother, illness
  • Friend of Joy, Susan Maecker, illness
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), Iraq
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job and family
  • Darrel and Carolyn grandson Josh, military
  • Ruth’s dad, diagnosed with Parkinson’s
  • Lynn, illness
  • Jerry and Linda Teske, new pastorate in Rush
  • Carol, unspoken
  • Joy, recuperating
  • Bob and Bertie son Rick, job; and unspoken
  • Martha’s cousin John, illness
  • Terry, upcoming surgery
  • Ruth’s Uncle Dennis (Butch), illness
  • Greg and Ruth traveling to AK

June 7, 2009’s Sermon
Who is God? And what is He like?
If God can be known, what is He like? Who is He that we can recognize Him? How do we know God? God has a particular nature than can be known and known intimately.
God is love-- experienced by us in grace and forgiveness. We know Him by how He interacts with us in grace and forgiveness.
(link to sermon)

June 14, 2009’s Sermon
Who is God, that We Can Know Him?
God as Judge – Sovereign, passionate, wise and powerful
He is judge, jury and executioner; He does not hand the guilty party off to another to execute the sentence; this is where He is omnipotent, to condemn the guilty to eternal punishment
(link to sermon)

June 21, 2009's Sermon
Ezekiel 34 - The Shepard of Israel
(link to sermon)

June 28, 2009's Sermon
The Gideons perform an important task in sending the Word of God around the world. The support of their ministry is a blessing for this church and we appreciate all they do.
Gideon Speaker - Larry Lynch

Pastor Greg Chandler
Has God Spoken - a lesson on the Word of God
(link to sermon)

Saturday, June 6, 2009



May Celebrations
Linda Olsen, 5th; Beth Griffith, 8th; Matt Heald, 20th; Annie (Motzkus) Sjolund, 21st; Leon and Martha Osban, 27th; Greg and Ruth Chandler, 27th; Matt Campeau, 29th

Pew Project
We can continue to receive freewill offerings for the pews if you have not had a chance to give yet. We can receive your offering until the time that we start selling the cookbook. We need 1182.50 for the balance. (Total cost for the pews was 4282.50)

Cookbook Project
We are currently receiving recipes for the new church cookbook as a fundraiser for the pews. With the completion of the pews we can proceed with getting the cookbook info together.
Sunrise Church will host another jazz concert this summer. It is scheduled for June 12. The tickets will be $15/ea group rate. More information will follow
We are ready to send another box to Vicki in Iraq. We need coffee, powdered creamer and beef jerky. The coffee and creamer must fit in a 5” deep box, so small cans or bags are needed.
Father’s Day is June 21; Greg and Ruth will be gone to Alaska from June 15 to June 26 and therefore gone for the 21st

  • We will have a representative from the Gideons Sunday June 28

Prayer Requests for May 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo, improving
  • Shawna’s mother, illness
  • Friend of Joy, Brian Maecker, wife’s illness
  • Joy’s grandson Matthew, job
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), Iraq
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell and family, passed away
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job and family
  • Darrel and Carolyn grandson Josh, military
  • Matt Gamm, friend of Olsen’s, auto accident
  • Carol’s neighbor Eleanor, health Ruth’s dad, diagnosed with Parkinson’s
  • Dennis’ sister Debbie, surgery recuperation
  • Lynn, liver illness
  • Jerry and Linda Teske, missionaries, moving to CO
  • Carol, unspoken
  • Joy, recuperating from fall
  • Bob and Bertie son Rick, job; and unspoken
  • Martha, passing of cousin in TX
  • Campeau’s and Ruth, traveling
May 3, 2009’s Sermon
The Life of Moses: Taking Unnecessary Risks Numbers 10-14
God gave His Word to them in written form on Sinai. We studied the Decalogue and highlighted the intricate instructions that God gave Israel for the tabernacle and the other ceremonial aspects of the Law. This instruction extended from Exodus 21-31.
After the failure of the Golden Calf and God’s judgment on those that worshiped it, the worship of the Lord was reconfirmed. They constructed the tabernacle per His instructions and began the journey to the Promised Land. They had the tablets and the ark and also a new respect for the Lord as they begin their 2nd year.
(link to sermon)

May 10, 2009’s Sermon
The Life of Moses: Passing the Torch to Joshua Numbers 20 and 27
The risky business of resentment by the Israelites eventually provoked God to the extent that He judged the current generation in the land. While in only the 2nd year of their 40 year wilderness journey, God pronounced judgment on them because of their resentment against God.
(link to sermon)

May 17, 2009’s Sermon
The Life of Moses
(We are closing our study of Moses)
Obituary of a Leader: Deuteronomy 34
The Lord shows Moses all of the Promised Land, and Moses died (34:5). He died alone; He died secure; He died in God's timetable; He died without bitterness, regret or self-pity
(link to sermon)

May 24, 2009’s Sermon
You don’t have leave your brains at the door to become a Christian
I Cor.2:14 “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
Faith is more than “you ask me how I know He lives; He lives within my heart;” the Spirit of God uses intellectual enlightenment through reasonable explanations of God.
(link to sermon)

May 31, 2009’s Sermon
If God Exists, He Can Be Known
There are many arguments for the existence of God, most of them valid and quite powerful. However, because we are sinners and cut off from immediate communion with God we need something more than good arguments. What we need is for God to reveal Himself to us. This is exactly what He has done.
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:3-4
(link to sermon)



April Celebrations
Kellie Mayes, 2nd; Nancy Jenkins, 15th

Pew Project
We will continue to receive freewill offerings for the pews. The cost per pew is $150.00 and all the pews have been done. Designate your offering by noting “Pews” on your check. So far we have received $2950.00 toward the pews; we need 1332.50 for the balance. (Total cost for the pews was 4282.50)

Cookbook Project
We are currently receiving recipes for the new church cookbook as a fundraiser for the pews. With the completion of the pews we can proceed with getting the cookbook info together. The cost to print 1000 cookbooks will be about $3500 so there would be more than enough resulting from the cookbook proceeds to cover the cost of the pews.
Sunrise Church will host another jazz concert this summer. It is scheduled for June 12. The tickets will be $15/ea group rate. More information will follow

Prayer Requests for April 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo, improving
  • Shawna’s mother, illness
  • Friend of Joy, Brian Maecker, wife’s illness
  • Joy grandson Matthew, job
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), Iraq
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, terminal cancer
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job and family
  • Darrel and Carolyn grandson Josh, military
  • Matt Gamm, friend of Olsen’s, auto accident
  • Carol’s neighbor Eleanor, health
  • Ruth’s dad, diagnosed with Parkinson’s
  • Dennis’ sister Debbie, surgery recuperation
  • Lynn, liver illness
  • Jerry and Linda Teske, missionaries NE, housing
  • Carol, unspoken
  • Joy, in hospital, injured from fall
April 5, 2009’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
Meeting God on the Mountain
Exodus 19
The Law is given to the people through Moses; however the gracious provision of God through the plagues and the blood of the Passover had previously been given. The Law was not given in a vacuum; it was given in a time of water in the desert, manna from the sky, fire to guide them, a chosen leader to lead them, and a miraculous release from slavery. The Law was given in the shadow of the blood and is interpreted in the context of grace. The Law was given as a constitution under their sovereign King, God.
(link to sermon)

April 12, 2009’s Sermon
So What? (of the resurrection)
It is not just this life, is it?
No; there is “more to come”
More that is glorious and wonderful-beyond our dreams
The stories are true; dare we believe them?
We know this because of the resurrection
Therefore we live - in hope, faith, love and joy
(link to sermon)

April 19, 2009’s Sermon
The Decalogue Exodus 20
One of the greatest events in history was the giving of the Law. The Law was not given so that keeping it would attain righteousness (Rom. 3:20a; Gal. 3:11). Acceptance by God has always been only by faith (Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3, 22; 5:1; Gal. 2:16; 3:6, 21). The purpose of the Law is to show our sinfulness (Rom. 3:19-20b; 7:7) in contrast to God’s standards of holiness and righteousness, and to condemn mankind. The Law in Exodus has three parts: The Decalogue (Ex. 20:1-21); the civil and religious ordinances (20:22-24:11), and ceremonial laws (24:12-31:18).
(link to sermon)

April 26, 2009’s Sermon
The Decalogue Exodus 20
Commandments 6-10
These commandments deal with the social responsibilities in family and society in contrast to the first four which related to the individual’s responsibility before God. Critics of the Scripture attempt to pervert these commandments to discredit the Scripture and the Old Testament God, but all of these commandments were verified in the New Testament and are still the best representation of the holy standards of God.
20:12 Fifth Commandment – Respect for parents
20:13 Sixth Commandment – Do not murder
20:14 Seventh Commandment – Do not commit adultery
20:15 Eighth Commandment – Do not steal
20:16 Ninth Commandment – Do not lie
20:17 Tenth Commandment – Do not illicitly desire
(link to sermon)



March Celebrations
Christie, Lynn’s daughter, March 3rd; Lisa Heald, 10th; Esther Hargrove, 12th; Meghan Griffith, 15th; Hubert and Esther Hargrove 14th; Danny Griffith, 19th; Lynn Eells, 22nd

Pew Project
We are beginning our project to reupholster the pews and to print a new cookbook. Freewill offerings and the proceeds from the cookbook will pay for the cost of the pews. The fabric for the pews has already been covered, so the total cost will be around $3000. Any of you who are willing can contribute to the cost of recovering a single pew for $150.00, or any amount that you are able to contribute. Designate your offering by noting “Pews” on your check.
The pew project will be completed by doing a few pews at a time, recovering them, and then bringing them back and working on a few more. The upholsterer will do minor repairs on the pews as he goes.

Cookbook Project
We will also put together recipes for a new church cookbook that we can sell as a fundraiser for the pews. The cost to print 1000 cookbooks will be about $3500 so there would be more than enough resulting from the cookbook proceeds to cover the cost of the pews. I would like a volunteer to help me on this project (or handle it completely, amen).

Prayer Requests for March 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo, improving
  • Joy grandson Matthew, job
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki Burshia (Peterson), married, back to Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, doing well
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
  • David Jenkins, upcoming surgeries
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job, joining Navy
  • Emma Smith, recuperation
  • Kathi, unspoken
  • Darrel and Carolyn grandson Josh, military
  • Christie, daughter of Lynn, unspoken
  • Matt Gamm, friend of Olsen’s, auto accident
  • Recent passing of Carol’s Aunt Raney, for the family
  • Carol’s neighbor Eleanor, health
March 1, 2009’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
The Ten Suggestions to Pharaoh Exodus 7-10
God predicted Pharaoh’s rebellion and the plagues that were the result. The plagues fulfilled a variety of purposes to convince both Pharaoh and Moses of what God could do if He was not obeyed. The plagues were "attention-getters." None of the plagues caused Pharaoh to repent or let them go- he never did repent, and even though he let them go after the 10th plague, he pursued them in a disobedient change of heart.
(link to sermon)

March 8, 2009’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
The Tenth Plague: God Owns the Night
Pharaoh had 9 opportunities to soften his stance and let the people of God go. After each one he became more stubborn. God encouraged him in his intransigence and led him to the final and most devastating catastrophe. It was Pharaoh who caused the dark night of death in his land, not God. God had warned him through Moses of what was coming, but he refused. He set the stage for one of the most terrifying nights in human history, a night which God owned and moved with deliberate purpose. There are times when we must learn to be yielded and to worship Him in total subservience.
(link to sermon)

March 15, 2009’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
The Purpose of Predicaments
Exodus 13-14
Reminder to Celebrate the Unleavened Bread
The firstborn were spared in the 10th plague so they were to be dedicated to the Lord (13:12); To forever remember this event, they were to dedicate the firstborn and to eat only unleavened bread. Yeast takes time to rise; there was no time for bread to rise when the death angel came, they were to continue to eat unleavened bread as a reminder
These commands were given as they were marching from Rameses to Succoth
“By strength of hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage” was to be a phrase they were to remember on their journey
Only God can do a “Red Sea”
(link to sermon)

March 22, 2009’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
Exodus 15:1-17:7
From the Last Blessing to the Next Trial: The Wilderness Journey and the “Gripe Cycle”
A metaphor for the Christian life in this sin-cursed world
(link to sermon)

March 29, 2009’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
God’s Provisions/Man’s Limitations
Ex 16:1-12, The Provision of the Manna/Ex16:13-20, Bread in the morning-Quail in the Evening
Ex16:21-36, Memorial of God’s provision/Ex17:1-7 The Waters
Ex17:8-16, God’s Provision in Protection/Ex18:1-12, A Visit from Jethro
(link to sermon)

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - February 22, 2009

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - February 22, 2009

February Celebrations
Eddie Olsen, 6th; Richard and Joann Motzkus, 11th; Ben Campeau, 13th; Joy Sunderland, 14th; Vicky Peterson, 16th; Michael Eells, 17th; Melody Tucker, 28th

Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo, improving
  • Joy grandson Matthew, job
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, recuperation from chemo
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
  • David Jenkins, upcoming surgeries
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job, joining Navy
  • Emma Smith, recuperation
  • Kathi, unspoken
  • Darrel and Carolyn, traveling thru the 25th
  • Darrel and Carolyn grandson Josh, military
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister-surgery went well
  • Carol’s friend Leslie-good diagnosis
  • Melody’s friend Andrea-improved
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb – 19:1-10
The rejoicing is also centered on an event that is about to happen- the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Marriage is often used to describe the relationship of God to His saints (followers). In the Old Testament Israel is pictured, as in Hosea, as the unfaithful wife of Yahweh who is destined to be restored in the future kingdom. In the New Testament, marriage is also used to describe the relationship between Christ and the church, but the illustration contrasts with the Old Testament, for the church is regarded as a virgin bride waiting for the coming of her heavenly bridegroom.

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
Building Strength Against Evil Exodus 5-6
The heat builds on the path to freedom for Moses and the children of Israel. On the heels of the initial positive response of the people to Moses and Aaron (4:29-31: 29 And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel: And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped) the first salvo in the battle to set the people free is fired by Pharaoh.


Come Thou Fount p. 2

Scripture Reading
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He shall dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be their God, and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death, or mourning, or crying, or pain. Rev. 21:1, 3-4

Face to Face p. 549

Soon and Very Soon p. 551

Mansion Over the Hilltop

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - February 15, 2009

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - February 15, 2009

February Celebrations: Eddie Olsen, 6th; Richard and Joann Motzkus, 11th; Ben Campeau, 13th; Joy Sunderland, 14th; Vicky Peterson, 16th; Michael Eells, 17th; Melody Tucker, 28th

Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
  • Melody’s friend Andrea
  • David Jenkins, upcoming surgeries
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job, joining Navy
  • Emma Smith, recuperation
  • Kathi, unspoken
  • Darrel and Carolyn, traveling
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister-surgery went well
  • Carol’s friend Leslie-good diagnosis
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb – 19:1-10
The scene now returns to heaven. A great multitude of people are singing "Hallelujah" for the destruction of Babylon the Great. The events of this chapter are to be understood as preparation for the Return of Christ. This passage is the basis for Handel's "Hallelujah chorus." The Greek word for "Hallelujah" is from the similar word in the Old Testament. It is an exclamation of praise to God. God receives all the glory for the destruction of Babylon the Great as a way of avenging her persecution of the saints. (Duet. 32:43; Psalm 19:9) Her judgment is eternal, for "her smoke rose up forever and ever." Her destruction is symbolic of the destruction of the entire "world-system" that has opposed Christ and His followers since time began.

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
Freedom - God’s Way Ex. 4:20-31
It is the hand of God that is the decisive factor in Moses’ call to set His people free. Can we truly talk about freedom and deliverance from tyranny if we have no freedom of choice? Did God remove Pharaoh’s freedom of choice in determining the fate of His people? If God determines our future and our fate, are we truly free?


Crown Him with Many Crowns p. 234

Scripture Reading
That you may know what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe, which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come; that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him, according to the grace of our God. Ephesians 1:18-21; II Thess. 1:12

All Hail the Power p. 97

His Name is Master p. 114

Jesus, Name Above All Names p. 112

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

Beautiful Savior
Glorious Lord

Sunday, February 8, 2009



February Celebrations: Eddie Olsen, 6th; Richard and Joann Motzkus, 11th; Ben Campeau, 13th; Joy Sunderland, 14th; Vicky Peterson, 16th; Michael Eells, 17th; Melody Tucker, 28th

Church Items: The new sign-up sheet for this year’s church cleaning is on the refrigerator.

Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Carol and family, passing of uncle
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
  • Melody’s friend Andrea
  • David Jenkins, upcoming surgeries
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job
  • Emma Smith, recuperation
  • Carol, flu recovery
  • Kathi, unspoken
  • Johnie - surgery went well
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister-surgery went well
  • Carol’s friend Leslie-good diagnosis
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 18
Babylon: The Death of the One-World Religious System

Facts on the "Mystery-Babylon"
  1. Not a person, but a system of power
  2. Political power wielded
  3. Economic power wielded
  4. Power over all nations and people of the earth through wealth and immorality; a spiritual system
  5. Martyred the true saints of God
  6. Practiced immorality and abominations against the true worship of God, used some form of sorcery to maintain control over people
Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
The Reluctant Warrior
Exodus 3:11-4:17
The burning bush caught Moses’ attention to his previous calling. The oppression of the people of God required a great liberator and deliverer. After catching his attention and reinforcing His call, Moses now objects to the call. His desert experience was a time of preparation but initially Moses reveals that he has lost confidence during the desert time. He did not respond victoriously initially. He had to grow into the job.

A conversation with God:
  • 5 objections by Moses,
  • 5 responses by God
  • The 6th response by Moses: “I’ll go”

Bless the Lord, O My Soul p. 13

He Keeps Me Singing p. 488

Scripture Reading
For as through one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous; for where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more; that as sin reigned unto death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:19, 20-21

Grace Greater Than Our Sin p. 201

Praise the Name of Jesus p. 93

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

Praise the name of Jesus
He’s my Rock, He’s my Fortress
He’s my Deliverer, in Him will I trust
Praise the Name of Jesus



February Celebrations: Eddie Olsen, 6th; Richard and Joann Motzkus, 11th; Ben Campeau, 13th; Joy Sunderland, 14th; Vicky Peterson, 16th; Michael Eells, 17th; Melody Tucker, 28th

Church Items: The new sign-up sheet for this year’s church cleaning is on the refrigerator.

Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Carol and family, passing of uncle
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
  • Melody’s friend Andrea
  • David Jenkins, upcoming surgeries
  • Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job
  • Emma Smith, recuperation
  • Carol, flu recovery
  • Kathi, unspoken
  • Johnie - surgery went well
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister-surgery went well
  • Carol’s friend Leslie-good diagnosis
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 17
Babylon: The Death of the One-World Religious System
“Babylon” is referred to some 300 times in the Bible. Ancient Babylon was the nation that finally drove the Southern Kingdom into captivity and destroyed the holy temple of Solomon. The return of the Lord will restore the Lord’s throne from literal Jerusalem, the city that Babylon conquered. The reference in chapter 17 refers to a religious and political system which rose to power in the first half of the Tribulation period only to be destroyed by the Antichrist for his purposes as an instrument to establish his own self-worship. The mixture of religion and power has long been established in world history. It is generally political man that finds in well-meaning religion (which touches the common cord in all mankind, the “God-shaped vacuum”) a tool of rising to power. The church should always cast a jaundiced eye at politicians who come to her with their hand out (and usually the other hand in her wallet at the same time).

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
"The Promised Land: The Land of Freedom"
Exodus 3:1-10
How do we handle the desolation, the dryness, the feeling of insignificance in the desert-times of God’s will, where it seems that He has abandoned us? Waiting is not a sign of weakness nor is it an indication of God’s abandonment. Moses spent 40 years tending sheep in the Midian desert in between God’s dramatic calls for His leadership. On just another ordinary day in the desert, God reached down and moved Moses to the next step in His will for His life.

Need encouragement in the desert times? God is working in all of us in both dramatic and ordinary ways. It is His constant pursuit to one day bring us to His land of “milk and honey.” The desert cleans our hearts of sin and illicit desire and makes us ready for the Promised Land.


I Sing the Mighty Power p. 59

The Wonder of it All p. 65

Scripture Reading
In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him were all things created that are in heaven, and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him. Colossians 1:14-16

He’s Everything to Me p. 516

Jesus is Lord of All p. 359

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

All my possessions
And all my life
Jesus is Lord of all



January Celebrations: Richard Motzkus, 4th; Calieb Griffith, 4th; Doris Tucker, 7th; Ed Griffith, 8th; Carlton and Emma Smith, 11th; Maria Campeau. 13th; Britanie Olsen, 14th; Carolyn Griffith, 21st

Church Items
  1. The new sign-up sheet for this year’s church cleaning is on the refrigerator.
  2. We will continue to send items to Vicki in Iraq as you bring them in.
Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Family of friend of Joy, passing of friend
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Johnie Jackson, medical
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Carol and family, passing of uncle
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister, medical
  • Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
  • Melody friend, Andrea
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 16 – The Armageddon Campaign
The campaign of Armageddon is pictured as extending from the plains of Esdraelon on the North, down through Jerusalem, extending out to the valley of Jehoshaphat on the East and to Edom on the South. The wide area would cover the entire land of Palestine and this campaign, with all its parts, would confirm what Ezekiel pictures when he says the invaders will "cover the land" in Ezekiel 38:9, 16. The participants are the 10-nation kingdom of the Antichrist, the kings of the East, the king of the South, the Lord and His armies (us) from heaven. Verse 14 calls this "the battle of that great day of God Almighty." "Battle" is "polemos," a campaign, an extended battle, not just a skirmish or a single battle. The Campaign of Armageddon may begin in the middle of the Tribulation period (Ezekiel 38-39) and conclude with the Return of the Lord (Revelation 19).

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
The Desert School of Obedience
Exodus 2:16-25
  • Moses left Egypt humiliated and alone. He traveled to Midian and sat down by a well. It appeared that he was not the leader of his people out of slavery. Perhaps there was no call of God and he was mistaken. It is not enough to be well-intentioned.
  • All that made him a great man, “mighty in words and deeds,” worked against him at this time.
  • Moses was aware of his call to help his people, but he was not aware of the timing or method God would use.
Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father’s flock. And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.


The Family of God p. 282

Scripture Reading
It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! Lamentations 3:22-26

Great Is Thy Faithfulness p. 43

Faith is the Victory p. 486

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

If you lack knowledge, go to school. If you lack wisdom, get on your knees! Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge. ~ Vance Havner



Church Items
  1. The new sign-up sheet for this year’s church cleaning is on the refrigerator.
  2. We completed the year only $1100.00 short. This is far better than last year. Our lease payment increase for the year is $70/month.
  3. We will continue to send items to Vicki in Iraq as you bring them in. I know she would appreciate them and will share them with her fellow-soldiers.
Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Family of friend of Joy, passing of friend
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Johnie Jackson, medical
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Carol and family, passing of uncle
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister, medical
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 16
In Revelation 16, world events are coining to their climax. It is understood that these events are toward the close of the Tribulation period. There are similarities between the 7 trumpet and 7 Bowl judgments, but the Bowl judgments are greater in scope and severity than the Trumpet judgments.
  • Bowl #1-16:2, Sores upon those who had the mark of the Beast
  • Bowl #2-vs. 3, Every living thing in the sea killed
  • Bowl #3-vs. 4-7, All the waters of the earth are turned to blood
  • Bowl #4-vs. 8-9, The heat from the sun becomes intense and men are burned
  • Bowl #5-vs. 10-11, Darkness on the earth and more pain upon mankind
  • Bowl #6-vs. 12, The Euphrates river is dried up and the “Kings of the East" have an unobstructed march toward Armageddon

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
God’s Will - Our Way?
Exodus 2:10-15, Acts 7:21-29
The sermon of Stephen to the Sanhedrin in Acts 7 contains a long section on the life of Moses. Stephen used Moses as an illustration of how God was with His people through the centuries, leading to Jesus Christ. God’s people stubbornly disobeyed His will, however, even though God did great things through their leaders. Stephen’s account gives fills in more detail to the Exodus text, detail that was no doubt handed down from generation to generation. A comparison of these two passages gives us insight into Moses’ early years, years that displayed great potential but also the tendency to try to do God’s will his own way.

The best measure of a man’s honesty isn’t his income tax return; it’s the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.


Take the Name of Jesus with You p. 116

Without Him p. 332

Scripture Reading
Teach me Thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. For Thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for Thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. Psalm 27:11; 31:3

He Leadeth Me p. 461

Thou Art Worthy p. 73

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

Thou art worthy, O Lord
To receive glory, Glory and honor
Glory and honor and power

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Church Items
  1. We received a nice thank you card from Owen Frisby’s family. It is on the back table.
  2. The new sign-up sheet for this year’s church cleaning is on the refrigerator.
  3. We completed the year only $1100.00 short. This is far better than last year. Our lease payment increase for the year is $70/month.
  4. Jennifer and the kids made it back to Alaska safely last Wednesday. The weather in the northwest has been very bad recently, so we thank the Lord for traveling grace.
  5. We will continue to send items to Vicki in Iraq as you bring them in. I know she would appreciate them and will share them with her fellow-soldiers.
Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Family of friend of Joy, passing of friend
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Johnie Jackson, recuperation
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Carol and family, passing of uncle
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 15
The stage is now set for the final 7 judgments. John sees 7 angels coming from the heavenly temple. The martyrs that are in heaven stand on a sea of glass that is also on fire. The sea of glass is symbolic of God's glory; they are a reflection of His glory, and the fire represents His judgment. Since they were judged by man and martyred, they preside over this judgment.
They sing the song of Moses (represents the Jewish believers) and the song of the Lamb (the rest).
The 7 angels come forth in clean shining linen, representing the holiness of God. One of the four beasts around the throne of God hand the 7 bowls to the angels, bowls full of the wrath of God.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
Darkness Before Dawn – Freedom’s Labor Pains
The promise to Abraham would be fulfilled in Moses: “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years. But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve; and afterward they will come out with many possessions.” God would provide an “exodus” through a man named Moses. Through Moses the chosen people of God and all mankind would be saved.

The Lord’s Our Rock, in Him we Hide

A Shelter in the Time of Storm p. 353

Scripture Reading
He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock. Psalm 62:6-7; 27:5

Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, Let my hide myself in Thee p. 204

A Wonderful Savior is Jesus My Lord, He Hideth My Soul p. 496

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less, The Solid Rock p. 404

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

All other ground is shifting sand

Sunday, January 4, 2009



Church Items
: We will continue to send items to Vicki in Iraq as you bring them in. I know she would appreciate them and will share them with her fellow-soldiers.

Prayer Requests for 2009
We will begin our new prayer list for the 2009
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Johnie Jackson, recuperation
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carol’s uncle, illness
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 14
These chapters reveal the preparations for the final judgments and the kingdom. The first part of this vision concerns the 144,000. Their final victory is seen. They will survive the Tribulation period intact and will be present at the return of Christ. This is in contrast to the millions that will be martyred, but many will survive until the end of the Tribulation. The 144,000 are literally standing on Mount Zion in Jerusalem with Christ at His return. They have remained pure throughout the time, following the Lamb without fail. They were the "firstfruits,” i.e. the first taken as God's servants during the Tribulation period.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today’s Sermon
Resolved: Contentment in the New Year

Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Heb. 13:5-6

Three hand-wringing worries that will ruin the New Year:
  1. Weakness – “What can I do about it? I’m not in control”
  2. Fear of the unknown – “what if…what if….what if….”
  3. Direction – “I don’t know what to do”
All of them are handled by “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee”


I Know Whom I Have Believed p. 409

Scripture Reading
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? or, what shall we drink? or, with what shall we be clothed? For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt. 6:30-33

Seek Ye First p. 42

Precious Lord, Take My Hand p. 463

The King is Coming p. 238

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - December 28, 2008

December 28, 2008
Church Items
  1. We had a great time last Sunday night at our annual Christmas fellowship. We had a good group, fun and great Christmas music. Thanks to Lisa, Tim, Jennifer, Nancy and all the kids. And the hippopotamus.
  2. Our thanks also to all those that brought food and worked the potluck so we could all enjoy and have a great time. It was a special evening.
  3. We will continue to send items to Vicki in Iraq as you bring them in. I know she would appreciate them and will share them with her fellow-soldiers.
  4. This is the final Sunday of 2008. It has been a momentous year; many good things happened, but we also must acknowledge some sad times. We are in prayer for continued blessings in 2009. A Happy New Year to you all.
Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Lynn’s uncle Lowell, illness
  • Uncle of Ruth, Glenn Daugherty, health
  • Amber, Jennifer’s sister-in-law, recuperation from surgery
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Johnie Jackson, recuperation
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 14
The Mark of the Beast: 666
Whether literal or symbolic, the events and characters revealed in chapters 12-15 tell us that the world will become a spiritual battle-zone for the final conflict between God and Satan. Satan seeks to establish a false religious system with an imitation of the Divine Trinity. Satan seeks to take the place of God the Father; the Antichrist the role of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and ruler of the world; and the False Prophet the role of the Holy Spirit who calls us to worship God. The destruction of this false religious system is described in chapters 17 and 18.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today’s Sermon: Ephesians 6:18-24
Prayer, being alert, and boldness
The last two pieces of the armor, the helmet and the sword, are taken up by means of prayer. When the enemy attacks with the flaming darts of deception, pray continually in the Spirit, take up the helmet and the sword and all the armor. It is certainly a grasp of the obvious to state that prayer is needed at all times in the Christian walk. This closes the book of Ephesians.


Awesome God

Scripture Reading
For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. I Thess. 4:16-18

I’ll Fly Away p. 554

When We All Get to Heaven p. 542

When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder p. 543

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - December 21, 2008

December 21, 2008
Church Items
  1. December Celebrations: Jon Campeau, 5th; Ron Campeau, 8th Ruth Chandler, 17th; Tate Nolan Tucker, 17th; Darrel and Carolyn Griffith, 23rd; Rocky Quail, 26th; Jason Campeau, 27th; Travis Heald, 29th
  2. We will continue to take items for Nancy’s daughter Vicki Peterson Adkins in Iraq and get them in the email to her. She received the 3 boxes we sent and wants to thank the church. If you bring more, we’ll keep on sending. We have her mailing address and her email if you would like to send her a message.
  3. If you can bring some items for the kid’s candy bags tonight it would be greatly appreciated. We don’t know how many we’ll need so you don’t have to bring a lot.
Christmas Fellowship Tonight at 5:30pm - Bring potluck as only good Baptists can do

Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Joy’s friends granddaughter, illness
  • Joy’s uncle’s family, passing of Uncle
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Lynn’s uncle Lowell, illness
  • Uncle of Ruth, Glenn Daugherty, health
  • Darrel’s cousin Hollis, motorcycle accident
  • Vicki, in Iraq
  • Jennifer Tucker friend Deb in AK, medical
  • Mike Rogers, chemo, return of lymphoma
  • Johnie Jackson, health
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13:11-18
The False Prophet
In contrast to the first beast of chapter 13, the image of the lamb displays an appearance of meekness and gentleness and also connects him to the Lamb of God. Therefore this man is religious in nature, identified as the "False Prophet.” His job is that of a prophet, to proclaim that the Antichrist should be worshipped. He is able to do signs and wonders by the power of Satan in order to convince men to worship the Antichrist.

Today’s Sermon
The “Begats” of Matthew One
Like reading the phone book-Great cast, weak plot
Christmas is all about grace; Christ came to save sinners, not give prizes to the self-righteous. That’s why it’s the most wonderful time of the year.


Joy to the World p. 125

Scripture Reading
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:8-11, 13-14

Angels from the Realms p. 131

Angels We Have Heard p. 132

Hark the Herald Angels p. 133

Emmanuel p. 134

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - December 14, 2008

December 14, 2008
Church Items
  1. December Celebrations: Jon Campeau, 5th; Ron Campeau, 8th Ruth Chandler, 17th; Tate Nolan Tucker, 17th; Darrel and Carolyn Griffith, 23rd; Rocky Quail, 26th; Jason Campeau, 27th; Travis Heald, 29th
  2. We will continue to take items for Nancy’s daughter Vicki Peterson Adkins in Iraq and get them in the email to her. We have already sent 3 packages. We have her mailing address and her email if you would like to send her a message.
  3. Greg is at Sunrise Church today for the Christmas presentation. We appreciate Darrel, Johnie, Dennis and Lisa handling the services. Nancy Jenkins is also there singing in the choir with Greg.
Christmas Fellowship Sunday night December 21st at 5:30pm

Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Joy’s friends granddaughter, illness
  • Joy’s uncle’s family, passing of Uncle
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Lynn’s uncle Lowell, illness
  • Uncle of Ruth, Glenn Daugherty, health
  • Cox family, continued strength
  • Maria, finding a church in WA and school
  • Darrel’s cousin Hollis, motorcycle accident
  • Heidi, illness
  • Vicki, in Iraq
  • Jennifer Tucker friend Deb in AK, medical
  • The Owen Frisby family and Mary
  • Mike Rogers, chemo, return of lymphoma
Today’s Sunday School Lesson by Johnie Jackson

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today’s Sermon by Darrel Griffith


December 7, 2008
Church Items
  1. December Celebrations: Jon Campeau, 5th; Ron Campeau, 8th Ruth Chandler, 17th; Tate Nolan Tucker, 17th; Darrel and Carolyn Griffith, 23rd; Rocky Quail, 26th; Jason Campeau, 27th; Travis Heald, 29th
  2. We will continue to take items for Nancy’s daughter Vicki Peterson Adkins in Iraq and get them in the email to her. We have already sent 3 packages. We have her mailing address and her email if you would like to send her a message.
  3. Greg and Nancy will be at Sunrise Church next Sunday for the Christmas presentation. The services will be handled by Darrel, Lisa, Johnie, Dennis, Ron and anyone else they draft as volunteers. Enjoy the program at Sunrise on Saturday night the 13th and then come for the services here Sunday morning the 14th.
Christmas Fellowship Sunday night December 21st at 5:30pm

Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Joy’s friends granddaughter, illness
  • Joy’s uncle’s family, passing of Uncle
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Lynn’s uncle Lowell, illness
  • Uncle of Ruth, Glenn Daugherty, health
  • Cox family, continued strength
  • Maria, finding a church in WA and school
  • Darrel’s cousin Hollis, motorcycle accident
  • Heidi, illness
  • Vicki, in Iraq
  • Jennifer Tucker friend Deb in AK, medical
  • The Owen Frisby family and Mary
  • Mike Rogers, chemo, return of lymphoma
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13:1-10
The Antichrist – The Beast Out of the Sea
Whether literal or symbolic, the events and characters revealed in these chapters (12-15) tell us that the world will become a spiritual battle-zone for the final conflict between God and Satan. Satan seeks to establish a false religious system with an imitation of the Divine Trinity. Satan seeks to take the place of God the Father; the Antichrist the role of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and ruler of the world; and the False Prophet the role of the Holy Spirit who calls us to worship God.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today’s Sermon
Ephesians Series: 6:14-17
The Armor of God: Protection from Evil
The reality of the Christian life is that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against “the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. We are engaged in a war against an invisible enemy with the goal of causing our moral and spiritual defeat. The protection of the armor of God is a defense that works every time it’s tried. It’s time to strap it on and stand firm.


How Great Our Joy p. 144

Go Tell It p. 138

The Glory of the Heavens

Scripture Reading
But as for you, Bethlehem Ephratah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity. And He will arise and shepherd His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God. And they will stand, because at that time He will be great to the ends of the earth, and this One will be our peace. Micah 5:2, 4-5 NASB

O Little Town p. 141

The Child of Bethlehem

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)