Sunday, February 8, 2009



Church Items
  1. The new sign-up sheet for this year’s church cleaning is on the refrigerator.
  2. We completed the year only $1100.00 short. This is far better than last year. Our lease payment increase for the year is $70/month.
  3. We will continue to send items to Vicki in Iraq as you bring them in. I know she would appreciate them and will share them with her fellow-soldiers.
Prayer Requests for 2009
  • Family of friend of Joy, passing of friend
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Vicki, Iraq
  • Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
  • Johnie Jackson, medical
  • Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
  • Carolyn, unspoken
  • Carol and family, passing of uncle
  • Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister, medical
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Chapter 16
In Revelation 16, world events are coining to their climax. It is understood that these events are toward the close of the Tribulation period. There are similarities between the 7 trumpet and 7 Bowl judgments, but the Bowl judgments are greater in scope and severity than the Trumpet judgments.
  • Bowl #1-16:2, Sores upon those who had the mark of the Beast
  • Bowl #2-vs. 3, Every living thing in the sea killed
  • Bowl #3-vs. 4-7, All the waters of the earth are turned to blood
  • Bowl #4-vs. 8-9, The heat from the sun becomes intense and men are burned
  • Bowl #5-vs. 10-11, Darkness on the earth and more pain upon mankind
  • Bowl #6-vs. 12, The Euphrates river is dried up and the “Kings of the East" have an unobstructed march toward Armageddon

Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
God’s Will - Our Way?
Exodus 2:10-15, Acts 7:21-29
The sermon of Stephen to the Sanhedrin in Acts 7 contains a long section on the life of Moses. Stephen used Moses as an illustration of how God was with His people through the centuries, leading to Jesus Christ. God’s people stubbornly disobeyed His will, however, even though God did great things through their leaders. Stephen’s account gives fills in more detail to the Exodus text, detail that was no doubt handed down from generation to generation. A comparison of these two passages gives us insight into Moses’ early years, years that displayed great potential but also the tendency to try to do God’s will his own way.

The best measure of a man’s honesty isn’t his income tax return; it’s the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.


Take the Name of Jesus with You p. 116

Without Him p. 332

Scripture Reading
Teach me Thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. For Thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for Thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. Psalm 27:11; 31:3

He Leadeth Me p. 461

Thou Art Worthy p. 73

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

Thou art worthy, O Lord
To receive glory, Glory and honor
Glory and honor and power

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