February Celebrations: Eddie Olsen, 6th; Richard and Joann Motzkus, 11th; Ben Campeau, 13th; Joy Sunderland, 14th; Vicky Peterson, 16th; Michael Eells, 17th; Melody Tucker, 28th
Prayer Requests for 2009
- Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
- Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
- Vicki, Iraq
- Mike Rogers, return of lymphoma, chemo
- Beth Griffith’s aunt, health
- Carolyn, unspoken
- Ruth’s Uncle Wardell, cancer
- Melody’s friend Andrea
- David Jenkins, upcoming surgeries
- Tim and Christa’s friend Derek, job, joining Navy
- Emma Smith, recuperation
- Kathi, unspoken
- Darrel and Carolyn, traveling
- Debbie Cortez, Dennis’ sister-surgery went well
- Carol’s friend Leslie-good diagnosis
The Book of Revelation
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb – 19:1-10
The scene now returns to heaven. A great multitude of people are singing "Hallelujah" for the destruction of Babylon the Great. The events of this chapter are to be understood as preparation for the Return of Christ. This passage is the basis for Handel's "Hallelujah chorus." The Greek word for "Hallelujah" is from the similar word in the Old Testament. It is an exclamation of praise to God. God receives all the glory for the destruction of Babylon the Great as a way of avenging her persecution of the saints. (Duet. 32:43; Psalm 19:9) Her judgment is eternal, for "her smoke rose up forever and ever." Her destruction is symbolic of the destruction of the entire "world-system" that has opposed Christ and His followers since time began.
Today’s Sermon
Moses – Man of Freedom
Freedom - God’s Way Ex. 4:20-31
It is the hand of God that is the decisive factor in Moses’ call to set His people free. Can we truly talk about freedom and deliverance from tyranny if we have no freedom of choice? Did God remove Pharaoh’s freedom of choice in determining the fate of His people? If God determines our future and our fate, are we truly free?
Crown Him with Many Crowns p. 234
Scripture Reading
That you may know what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe, which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come; that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him, according to the grace of our God. Ephesians 1:18-21; II Thess. 1:12
All Hail the Power p. 97
His Name is Master p. 114
Jesus, Name Above All Names p. 112
Offering and Offertory
Message (link to sermon)
Beautiful Savior
Glorious Lord
Glorious Lord