Saturday, December 23, 2006

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - November 26, 2006


November 26, 2006

Church Items:

Our Ladies Banquet is next Friday night December 1st. We will begin at 6pm with appetizers and the meal will start around 6:30pm. In keeping with tradition, the men will serve the ladies. The food sign-up sheets are in the hallway. If you have any questions ask Ruth, Lisa, or Carolyn. All ladies are welcome; this is a great occasion to invite your friends and give our church a chance to serve them. We would like to have about 25 ladies.
We will move the pews following the service this morning.
Our Christmas fellowship/potluck/celebration will be Sunday evening December 17 at 5:30pm.
Greg and Nancy will be singing at the Christmas musical at Sunrise Church again this year, Saturday night and Sunday morning, December 9th and 10th. Greg will only be singing on Saturday night so he will not miss a Sunday morning this year.

Sarah's Corner – “And Sarah laughed”

A figure of speech
The mother and her son were sitting in the pew listening to the sermon. “We are but dust,” said the preacher. The little boy turned to his mother and said, “Mom, what’s butt-dust?”

Today’s Sunday School Lesson:

The Life of David
II Samuel 12 – Guilt and Confession

Today’s Sermon:

What the Bible Says about Homosexuality – Lesson #3
Our Responsibility to Society – Philippians 2:15
“That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”

Prayer Requests:

Bertie’s daughter Patty for her brother in law Bill, chemo; Older brother-in-law of Patty, severe medical; Darrel’s friend in North Carolina, granddaughter sickness; Carol’s mom, strength to help a homeless person; Joy, medical condition, prayer for recuperation/healing; a teacher friend of Joy’s granddaughter Melody, for her baby; Prayer for Leon’s niece Candy, medical; Leon’s relative David, surgery; Carol’s neighbor Eleanor, medical; Ellie, friend of Bertie, medical; Co-worker of Lisa, lost infant child; Matt’s friend at work, Don, mother passed away; Ron’s Dad, Dan, health


Scripture Reading:

O Come, let us sing unto the LORD: Let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
Psalm 95:1-3

Come Ye Thankful People Come p. 559

For the Beauty of the Earth p. 560

We Gather Together p. 561

Give Thanks (refer to bulletin)

Offering and Message: Link to Sermon

"In everything - with Thanksgiving - let your requests be made known to God"

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