Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is It Sunday Already?

Retired schoolteacher Darrel asking if he can go to the rest room;
He hasn't quite gotten over classroom etiquette yet
Here we are at another Sunday, and this time with one less hour of sleep
Help me God to stay awake during my own sermon tomorrow
Church News
Daylight Saving Time Sunday; you should have set your clocks ahead one hour (spring forward/fall back) and lost one hour of sleep, so I’ll try to be extra loud today (I could try to be more interesting, but that would take a miracle!)
Easter is April 8th; had the date wrong in last week’s bulletin
There will be a baby shower for Maria and Cordell at Ruth’s house on March 24 at 2pm. For those of you who have already given gifts please come to the shower as Maria will “show and tell” your gifts. If you need ideas, cloth diapers and cloth diaper covers would be good
Bob Mahan has been in the hospital but will be going home soon as he is getting stronger
Sister Craig is asking prayer for upcoming medical tests
Today’s Teachings
Sunday School: Dueling Denominations
Pentecostalism #5
Church of God Cleveland TN; Foursquare, COGIC
Next Denomination: Quakers
Healing the Nobleman’s Son           John 4:43-54
·         Story of healing of the nobleman’s son only in John
·         Nobleman was different from Samaritan woman; he already knew he was helpless - the woman had to be convinced
·         Jesus clearly stated that believing because of miracles is dangerous; miracles alone don’t produce genuine faith, it takes truth
·         Jesus had the power to heal long distance; He was not limited by physical location

Trampolining Through John: We have now completed the following sections of the Gospel of John, in order of teaching:
John 17 – Jesus’ Prayer for Us
2 sermons, Oct 2, ’11 and Oct 9, ‘11
John 8 - The Light of Freedom
3 sermons, Oct 16, 23, 30th ’11 (Jesus the Light of the World)
John 5-7 – Jesus the Bread of Life
Nov 6, 13, 27, Dec 11, 18, Jan 15, ’12 and Jan 22, ’12 (Answering the Critics; The Bread of Life; Growing Opposition)
John 1:1-18 - The Word Was God
2 sermons, Christmas Day 2011 and Jan 8, ’12 (Communication-Animation-Illumination-Incarnation)
John 1:19-4 – Meet the Author, the Baptist and the Messiah
Jan 29, ’12, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 4, 11 (Pay No Attention to Miracles or Money; Jesus and Nicodemus; Jesus and the Samaritans; Healing the Nobleman’s Son Long Distance)

 6 Things Jesus Declared Himself to Be in John:
·          Living Water (4)
·          Bread of Life (7)
·          Light of the World (8)
·          Resurrection and the Life (11)
·          The Way, the Truth and the Life (14)
·          The True Vine (15)

Seven “Signs” of Jesus' Deity in John
Changing water into wine at Cana of Galilee (2)
Healing nobleman’s son in Capernaum (4)
Healing lame man at the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem (5)
Feeding 5000 near Sea of Galilee (6)
Walking on water on the Sea of Galilee (6)
Healing blind man in Jerusalem (9)
Raising Lazarus in Bethany (11)

Outline of John (*we have covered so far)-
 *Prologue: Communication and Incarnation (1:1-18)
*Meeting Jesus: the Baptist, the Pharisee, the Samaritans and the Nobleman (1:19- ch 4)
*Sabbath healing controversy at Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem (5)
*Bread of Life Discourse in Capernaum (6)
*Living Water Discourse and Light of the World Discourse at Tabernacles (7-8)
*Jesus’ Prayer for Us (17)

Still to cover to complete our study of John:
Healing Man Born Blind in Jerusalem (9)
Good Shepherd Discourse at Feast of Dedication: winter prior to Passover (10)
Beyond Jordan and Bethany, resurrection of Lazarus, Triumphal Entry (11-12)
Ministry to the disciples on the eve of His crucifixion: Upper Room Discourse; Jesus’ Prayer for Us (13-16)
Crucifixion and Resurrection (18-20)
Post-Resurrection at the Sea of Galilee: Epilogue (21)

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