Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We enjoyed and got through the holiday season. Most folks I've spoken to are glad 2012 is over for many reasons I'm sure they'll be willing to share. Our hope and prayers are with a great 2013 as we begin the 25th year of our church. That's right; this church began way back in 1988 and has continued for all those years in spite of having me as pastor! (Yuck, yuck)
I (the pester) went back to work at the end of the year , so I'm back to being a "bi-vocational" pastor. My time away from having "that other" job was about 2 years; I knew I could make it one year without being bi-vo but with the passing of my mother last year I waited another year.
I'm back to the insurance industry as a call-center representative and am currently in training. This will allow me to continue as pastor of the church and continue to handle the teaching, preaching, music and administration of the church for as long as the Lord keeps us going. The people understand and identify with our needs and have been as supportive as always. My thanks to the folks for understanding, and my thanks to the Lord for allowing me to obtain employment. Given the current economic climate that's a big deal; a lot of people are still looking and my prayers and love go out to them!
We are revamping our prayer list for 2013 and look forward to continuing in prayer for all of you as we "press on toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!"