Sunday, November 18, 2007

FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH - November 18, 2007

November 18, 2007
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
New Testament Postcards I John 2:12-17
Today’s Sermon
I Corinthians 10:23-11:1
The Earth is the Lord’s, and the Fullness Thereof
Prayers and Praises for 2007
The prayer request list will be kept up for the entire year. Once a request goes on it will be kept on until the requestor asks to remove it or the request is answered with praise. Be in prayer for: our missionaries, Marshall Craig, Larry Morgan, and Ed Potter; our church; Mike Rogers, medical (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma); Dan Campeau; health; Jackie’s daughter Elaine, health; Bertha, continued recuperation; Dennis, Christie’s husband, job; Eleanor, Campeau’s neighbor; a friend of Dennis and Kathi; friends of Stephanie Heald, auto accident; Joy Sunderland, recovery from surgery and treatment; Greg and Ruth’s friends in Dallas, the Woolard’s, son Ben, in hospice, Johnnie’s sister in AL and for published photos; friend of Lynn’s; Lynn’s brother Wayne, illness; Jim Dickey, accident/medical; Praise for Nate getting job; Paul Coleman, illness; Christie, illness and expecting; our new lease, ready to sign for three more years here
Christmas potluck fellowship Sunday night December 16, 5:30pm
Come Ye Thankful People Come p. 559
Scripture Reading
With a Song of Thanksgiving p. 558
Chorus – Day After Day (see bulletin)
We Gather Together p. 561
Give Thanks (see bulletin)
Thank You Lord (see bulletin)
Doxology (see bulletin)
Offering/Offertory/Message (Link to sermon)
"Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms."

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