Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Word from the Pester: NEW CD DONE!

We have prepared a new CD of The Music of Freedom that features The Music of Heaven. I thank pianist (extraordinaire) Lisa Heald for playing and Jon Campeau for producing the CD's. As  my church family and friends know I have been singing in church since I was 13 years old. I started in the Halstead Bible Baptist Church in Halstead, KS, singing in the choir, and then learned gospel quartest music from songleader Kenny Kraus. I led the singing at my home church, Arkansas City (KS) Missionary Baptist Church during my high school years, with Jana Noble as our accompianist. At the Independent Baptist College I sang in the choir and performed with the Ensemble as they traveled to various supporting churches throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. It was (mostly) fun traveling with Bro. Wendell McHargue and the various members of the group. After college I became Associate Pastor and music director at the Grace Baptist Church in Colo.  Spgs. As pastor of Freedom since 1988 I have led the worship services and continued to sing my brains out (I may have run out a long time ago).
As I have reviewed this little bio of my singing I realize that I have been singing in chuch for 44 years. I could no more separate singing from my ministry than you could separate gravy from mashed potatoes. And gospel music is just as much a deliverer of the message of God's Word as preaching is, and most of the time is more effective. "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!" May that rejoicing be yours every Sunday, and indeed every day of this life, with the song "to be continued" in heaven.

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