Saturday, October 25, 2008


October 26, 2008

Church Items
  1. October Celebrations: Roy Heald, 1st; Bob and Bertie Mahan, 16th; Tim Chandler, 18th; Ralph Cox, 19th
  2. We enjoyed having Ed and Abbie Potter in our services last Sunday. They are on their way back to Madeira now. Be sure to check out their blog which is linked to ours.
  3. Our prayers are building for the coming election. Election Day is just around the corner, November 4th, 10 days away.
  4. Daylight Saving time ends next weekend, November 2nd.
  5. We have changed the direction of the seating to prepare for having a video projector and screen for use with our teaching and worship.
  6. The screen is now up and working.
Prayer Requests for 2008
  • Joy, health and recuperation
  • Grandson of Joy, Matthew, job
  • Joy’s uncle, illness
  • Daughter in law of Joy, Shawna, chemo
  • Lynn’s uncle Lowell, illness
  • Uncle of Ruth, Glenn Daugherty, health
  • Cox family, continued strength
  • Maria, finding a church in WA
  • Owen Frisby, health
  • Carolyn’s Aunt Opal, cancer
  • Ed Griffith, job and diabetes treatment
  • Heidi, illness
Today’s Sunday School Lesson
The Book of Revelation: Revelation 8-9
The 7th Seal and the 7 Trumpets
One set of judgments leads to another. When the 7th seal is broken, there is complete silence in heaven. The silence indicates a very serious new beginning, not accompanied by thunders, trumpets or praise. The silence causes all the inhabitants of heaven to pay careful attention.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today’s Sermon
Ephesians 5:15-21, Wisdom and Responsibility (The filling of the Spirit 5:15-18)
The entire section of “Walking in Wisdom” is from 5:15 to 6:9. “Wisdom and responsibility” is the subject of 5:15-21, with 5:15-18 emphasizing the filling of the Spirit. Starting in 5:22 to 6:9, wisdom and real life is taught in relationship to marriage (5:22-33); parents and children (6:1-4); and master and servants, 6:5-9. We are to walk in wisdom by living a responsible life that is precise in its carrying out of the will of God intelligently and wisely. What this life does not look like is drunkenness in its lack of control and restraint. This life is characterized by the filling of the Spirit in four expressions: communication with each other in music; singing to the Lord in personal relationship; giving thanks for all things to the Godhead; and submission to one another in humility.


Scripture Reading
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20

Brethren We Have Met to Worship p. 585

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing p. 76

How Great Thou Art p. 4

Offering and Offertory

Message (link to sermon)

Then sings my soul,
My Savior, My God, to Thee
How Great You Are

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